On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Alex Rousskov
<rouss...@measurement-factory.com> wrote:
> On 04/26/2012 12:45 AM, Ahmed Talha Khan wrote:
>> I am trying to use the dynamic SSL certificate generation in 3.3(my
>> sources are squid-3.HEAD-20120421-r12120). My
>> squid setup is an interception proxy setup. So dynamic generation in
>> interception is only possible after bump-server first available in
>> 3.3.
> Just to clarify:
> 1) There is no Squid v3.3 yet. You are using what we call Squid "trunk"
> or "head".
Yes sorry for the wrong terminology used. I meant "head" when i said 3.3.

> 2) Dynamic SSL certificate generation for intercepted traffic has not
> been committed to Squid trunk (or any other official Squid code base).

How can i get the code-base with these changes? Can you provide me
those sources. Stability is not a big issue for me right now.

> For more details, please see my squid-dev email titled "Re: current
> status of bump-server-first + dynamic certs in 3.3?" and dated 2012/04/23.
Yes you mentioned that. I thought may be it was committed in the HEAD
and being tested.

> Thank you,
> Alex.

-Ahmed Talha Khan

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