ons 2012-08-29 klockan 15:32 -0600 skrev Alex Rousskov:

> Today, we have a choice:
>   A. Fail some PUTs. Close fewer pconns (current code).
>   B. Handle all PUTs. Open more connections (patched code).
> If this patch is accepted, performance bug 3398 will resurface. Henrik,
> do you think committing the patch is the right decision here even though
> it will reopen bug 3398?

Yes, but with a plan to fix it correctly.

A suggested correct fix for 3398 is to make use of Expect: 100-continue.
This delays sending the body a bit, allowing detection of broken
connections before starting to send the body.

An optimization from that is to add some buffering of request bodies to
allow skipping the 100-continue to speed up forwarding.


> The bug title is wrong. There is a long discussion in the bug report
> about what the bug is really about. I think a better bug title would be:
> "persistent server connection closed before PUT".


Fix the bug title, reopen it with comment above and restore the check.


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