On 10/15/2012 09:39 PM, Eliezer Croitoru wrote:

> I give the upgrade --2a and then update and it's showing some error
> which seems to me better to not solve and instead just use a new
> branch.

Please always paste the errors when reporting a problem, especially when
unsure what they mean.

> On 10/16/2012 3:48 AM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
>>    cd /path/to/local/trunk/checkout
>>    bzr update
>>    cd /your/branch/directory
>>    bzr merge /path/to/local/trunk/checkout    ("squid-new/trunk" in the
>> above example)
> I did that already and I get error while updating:
> ##start
> $ bzr update
> Doing on-the-fly conversion from RepositoryFormat2a() to
> RepositoryFormatKnitPack6().
> This may take some time. Upgrade the repositories to the same format for
> better performance.
> bzr: ERROR:
> KnitPackRepository('file:///home/eliezer/squid-repo/.bzr/repository/')
> is not compatible with
> CHKInventoryRepository('http://bzr.squid-cache.org/bzr/squid3/.bzr/repository/')
> different rich-root support
> ##end

It looks like you failed to upgrade your local repository and/or the
trunk checkout. I am not sure which directory you typed the above
commands in, but what output do the following commands produce?

    cd /home/eliezer/squid-repo/
    bzr upgrade

    cd /path/to/local/trunk-checkout/
    bzr upgrade

> it's kind of weird since for the new branch seems to work fine with
> updates and everything.

Perhaps your old setup was using old format because official Squid
repositories were using old format. Your new branch (or is it a
checkout?) is using new format because the current official Squid
repositories are using new format.

> I was thinking of maybe reverting the new repo to older revision(since
> it's 600 + patch) and then patch it using the diff file I have as last
> resort but I have never done something like that(which can might have
> side effects).
> I'm not such a big user of patch but I have seen before that it can be
> used to patch newer versions if nothing major was done to the source
> files in the patch.

Patch is just a set of "replace that line with this line" directives
plus context. You can patch anything that has the same context. The
patch command does not know about bzr, trunk, branches, etc.

Nevertheless, you need to use a format=2a bzr setup (one way or another)
so that you can generate and test patches against current Squid sources.



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