On 27/09/2013 8:18 p.m., Kinkie wrote:
It can probably be avoided by using those extra warning arguments I
mentioned above. I'm running a test now to see how it fares.
Short summary: there's plenty of implicit type and sign conversions around.

If you recall that side project I was doing ever now and again to improve the compiler warnings situation. -Wshadow got done but -Wcasting and -Wconversion and a few others are still very much TODO.

The situation as it stands for conversion is that *certain* very specific dangerous conversions are highlighted as errors by the compilers I refer to in commit messages as "strict" (clang, ICC and Sun Studio mainly). However the vast majority of conversions are considered safe by compilers and they all only produce warnings which we are *not yet* catching with Squid compile flags. If you build with "-Wconversion -Wsign-conversion -Wtraditional-conversion" on a recent GCC you will see a list of what needs investigating still. (sorry have not yet made bugs to track them).


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