On 2014-02-11 08:20, Henrik Nordström wrote:
mån 2014-02-10 klockan 21:48 +1300 skrev Amos Jeffries:
FYI for anyone interested in the HTTP/1.1 compliance project or related
work. The HTTPbis drafts are now etched in stone.

You can find links to the HTTPbis work on 1.1 and 2.0 protocols here:

Is the HTTP/2.0 work also finished? Or is that still work in progress?

No, 2.0 is still work in progress. Solid enough to code, but not production ready yet.

Martin said a few weeks back that he intends to get that to similar stage by June this year. BUT, the WG are still arguing over HPACK compression and have not yet moved on to optimizing header field-value in any significant way. Then there is the explicit-proxy discussions. All just theory at present with no fully working designs. Until the dust on that settles I am very doubtful we will have a real finalized 2.0 draft.

Have any analysis been made on the impact of HTTP/1.1bis and maybe even
HTTP/2.0 on Squid code?

HTTP/1.1bis has almost no impact on Squid trunk. There are a few things which we need to re-code a few sections for (URL #fragments now permitted, stricter vs. tolerant parsing rules, and case-sensitivity to enforce) some others have already been recoded in the last year or so when HTTPbis reached consensus without much notice from the community.

HTTP/2.0 is requiring a fairly major redesign to handle the frame multiplexing, flow control and encodings. First stages of redesigning the architecture in Squid for that are well underway already. See the "TcpReceiver" threads for the I/O redesign (verified +3-6% performance improvement just from that code change), and the parser-ng branch in LaunchPad for the parser redesign (working but no 2.0 specific pieces in there yet). Support for Upgrade: and ALPN are now mandatory and need to be implemented. The 2.0 code itself is quite simple once that is all done.


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