As luck would have it today is exactly 1 year since the first patch was
held in trunk for 3.5 series release.

Below is my current plan. Any objections please speak up.

1) Branching:

I hope this can be done next weekend. August 1-3, maybe the week after
if there are delays.

We have enough features to make it useful even though some of the larger
projects have not made it in.

However, to minimize work in stage-2 trunk needs to be relatively stable
before this happens. If any of you have patches lined up for commit or
about to be, please reply to this mail with details so we can triage
what gets in and what can hold off in audit.

Note that patches applied after branching may still get to 3.5, but will
have to be stable in trunk first.

Patches that are welcome any time:
 - documentation updates
 - security bug fixes

2) Documentation and stability testing

After branching we need to do as much testing as we can throw at the new
branch and update any missing documentation.

Most of the documentation is already done. So its just a scan through to
check for missing or incorrect bits.


I am hoping this can be done by the end of August. Will happen whenever
step-2 is completed.

Stable) as usual depends on bugs

 2 bugs explicitly on 3.HEAD within the 3.5 development period are
blocking stable release until fixed or determined non-critical.

 12 major or higher bugs in 3.4 seem worthy of blocking 3.5 stable for a
bit to get resolved.

 We have 60 other major bugs outstanding across all Squid versions that
should be resolved ASAP if at all possible.


Projects I am aware of that are potentially coming up for commit over
this period:

* Kerberos autoconf updates
  - assuming the current rewrite patch

* PROXY protocol
  - assuming the current partial support patch

* Peek-n-Splice
  - assuming it is relatively isolated changes and well tested already

* StoreID via eCAP/ICAP
  - I'm not sure what this is waiting on.


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