I'm trying to POST large files (>1MB) through a squid 3.5.2 proxy set up to 
intercept connections.

The client is including an 'Expect: 100-continue' header, and sends all headers 
in a single network packet.
POSTs of content smaller than 1MB go through, but larger POSTs do not.
The client's TCP connection is being reset without squid sending any sort of 
error page.
Nothing is logged in squid -- not in the access log, not in the cache log.  
It's as if that request never happened.
The client just gets a closed connection.

I'm running with the default 'request_body_max_size', it is not specified in my 
That should mean "unlimited" for the request body.

If I configure the client to explicitly use the same proxy on a different, 
non-transparent port, the large POSTs go through correctly.  It is as if 
request_body_max_size does not function on a port marked 'transparent'.

Has anyone else seen this problem?
I've found one reference to it in my searches, 

Mike Mitchell

squid-users mailing list

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