I have a squid proxy acting as a parental filter on our LAN, however the 
traffic balancing is a problem. My question is: Is it possible to set up 
something that achieves this:

   Where I have referred to "users" I am refering to devices as I do not have 
any login system.
   My internet speed here is assumed to be 10Mbps

1) When several users are browsing Wikipedia the burst downloads required, 
assuming the bursts occur 1 at a time, each burst gets the full internet 
bandwidth of ~10Mbps

2) When 2 or more users are downloading files the internet bandwidth gets 
divided equally i.e. each user gets 5Mbps when there are 2 concurrent large 
downloads and each user gets 3.33Mbps when there are 3 concurrent large 

3) When there are 2 concurrent large downloads occurring and third user wants 
to browse Wikipedia the burst downloads for Wikipedia momentarily change the 
bandwidth allocations so that while the Wikipedia page is download each user 
gets 3.33Mbps and once the page is downloaded the two large dowloads get back 
their 5Mbps each

Many thanks for your help it is greatly appreciated

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