Amos Jeffries wrote on 06/02/2015 04:34 PM:
On 3/06/2015 1:20 a.m., Klavs Klavsen wrote:
I have this in my squid server for it to work:

The key words there are ... *in my Squid server*

indeed :)

NOTE to Klavs:
   loading the "multiport" kernel module seems overkill for a single-port

it's puppets firewall module.. haven't had enough time to fix that module :)

FYI: DONT_VERIFY_PEER, "always_direct allow all", and
"slproxy_cert_error allow all" have not been good ideas since 3.2.
dont-verify actually inhibits the Mimic functions which give
server-first bumping most of its usefulness.

Thank you for those tips.

Klavs Klavsen, GSEC - - - Tlf. 61281200

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