On 05.11.2015 04:26, Amos Jeffries wrote:
There was a bug about the wrong SNI being sent to servers on bumped traffic that got re-written. That got fixed in Squid-3.5.7 and re-writers should have been fully working since then.
This seems to be a bug in 3.5.x only
with 3.4.10 this works fine ...

just tries the following url-rewrite-program (perl)

#!/usr/bin/perl -wl
$ |= 1;  # don't buffer the output
while ( <> )
    unless( m,(\S+) (\S+)/(\S+) (\S+) (\S+), )
        $uri = ''; next;
    $uri = $1;
$uri = "301:https://rsa-md5.ssl.hboeck.de/"; if ( $uri =~ m/^https:\/\/ssl\.hboeck\.de\/(\S*)/ );
    print "$uri";

Attachment: smime.p7s
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