Greetings all, 
I have been attempting to write my own logfile_daemon for experimental 
purposes, but any daemon I provide causes "FATAL: I don't handle this error 
well". I also see "logfileHandleWrite: daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log: error 
writing ((32) Broken pipe)" with no other errors in the cache.log. I have read 
all possible docs about writing a custom logfile_daemon, but I have had no 
luck. For testing purposes my daemon is just a bash script that creates a file 
and pipes random text to it. The creation of the file/writing text to the file 
works fine, but soon after squid just dies. I have no help from the cache.log 
or squid.out.
The only line I have added to my squid.conf is "logfile_daemon 
/etc/squid/". This causes the fatal error. I have also tried explicitly 
setting my access_log directive as well "access_log 
daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log squid", but that still does not work. Thanks 
in advance.
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