Thank you all for your suggestions. Polygraph is a good benchmark, but 
unfortunately it has a strict terms & conditions when it comes to publishing 
results and we plan to make the measurements part of a research paper.

Thanks again!

From: Coenraad Loubser []
Sent: Thursday, June 7, 2018 11:26 AM
To: Stoica Bogdan Alexandru <>
Cc:; Alex Rousskov 
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Squid test-suite / benchmarks

My first port of call would be apachebench with and without your proxies. A web 
search for "squid apachebench" might yield some leads to people who have done 
this. (I'm sure apachebench is well tested.)
Eg. the third hit on Google:

On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 7:20 PM, Alex Rousskov 
On 06/07/2018 04:17 AM, Stoica Bogdan Alexandru wrote:

> We’re a small research team interested in benchmarking Squid for a
> research project.

> Ideally, we would like to have good code coverage while doing so.

> Are there any good benchmarks used for such purpose?

Performance benchmarks usually focus on things other than code coverage.
It is very difficult to write a quality benchmark for a proxy, even
without code coverage as a goal!

One the other hand, a decent proxy benchmark has enough knobs to tickle
most "interesting" code paths in Squid (or any other proxy). Web
Polygraph[1] (mentioned on this thread earlier) is a good example -- you
can trigger cache revalidation, simulate heavy tailed hit distributions
that stress disk caching, exercise the code that handles aborted
transactions, persistent connection races, etc., etc.

> Or, even better, is
> there a more comprehensive test suite apart from the one Squid comes with?

Squid does not come with a comprehensive test suite (yet) and the tests
distributed with Squid are not performance tests (a.k.a. "benchmarks").
If you are looking for functionality rather than performance testing,
then there is Co-Advisor[2]. Squid is tested with Co-Advisor, but those
tests have not been automated (yet).



P.S. Disclaimer: The company I work for is responsible for both of the
test tools mentioned above.
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Coenraad Loubser

Wireless Internet Services & Hardware (Pty) Ltd.
210 Long Street, Cape Town, 8001, ZA

Office: +27 21 481 1824
Skype: Coenraad_Loubser
Cell: +27 73 772 1223

-- Spending Money is like watering a plant.
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