Greetings everyone,

Next version of Web Safety web filter for Squid proxy (version built 
on July 5, 2108) is now available for download.
This version contains the following fixes and improvements:

  *   YouTube Guard filtering daemon now runs as a separate process. This 
allows to filter traffic by both Google Safe Browsing and YouTube restriction 
modules at the same time.
  *   UI of YouTube filtering rules is completely rewritten, it is now possible 
to selectively filter YouTube videos by policies (enable for students, disable 
for staff).
  *   Fixed error in policy filtering exclusions by remote domain IP address.
  *   Added initial support for Ubuntu 18 LTS and Squid 4 (full support will be 
added in Web Safety 6.5)
  *   Added advanced field to manually manage additions to NIC management file 
/etc/network/interfaces on Ubuntu 16 and Debian 9.
  *   Builds for FreeBSD(pfSense) are not produced any more, please use version 
6.3 if you require running Web Safety on FreeBSD(pfSense). We are now trying to 
build a separate product for pfSense platform.

Pre-configured virtual appliance is available from (can be run in VMWare 
ESXi/vSphere or Microsoft Hyper-V).
The same virtual appliance can be easily deployed in Microsoft Azure with the 
following link

GitHub repo with automation scripts we used to build this virtual appliance 
from stock Ubuntu 16 LTS image is at
Your questions/issues/bugs are welcome at<>

Direct link to virtual appliance:


Version 6.5 will include initial implementation of Application Control (like 
allow Spotify, block Facebook Messenger) module as well as support for Ubuntu 
18 LTS and latest Squid 4. See the version history at

Thanks to all of you for making this possible!

Best regards,
Rafael Akchurin
Diladele B.V.

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