Hi there,

I'm actually facing a problem with Squid 4.6-1 (Debian 10).
I'm using squid with https_port directive, using an SSL certficate ( a true 
one, not self signed)

Here is the simple setup:

https_port X.X.X.X:8443 tls-cert=/etc/squid/mywildcard.com.pem

The fact is that setup works for all firefox version using a proxy.pac file for 
HTTPS connexions to the squid server.
But for chrome this is quite different. Indeed chrome uses the system's proxy 
settings and i noticed that sometimes it would work and sometinles it would 
To make it work all the time i had to add my intermediate certificate (thawte) 
in the local store, so that means intermediate certificate has not been 
delivered by the squid server as it should.

The pem file in the above setup allreadycontains this (pem file done by 
concatenating  private key, cert, intermediate and root CA. I also tried the 
following syntax:

https_port X.X.X.X:8443 cert=/etc/squid/mywildcard..com.cer 

but each time i try to see with openssl client if my intermediate is delivered, 
it's not
I use "openssl s_client -showcerts -connect myproxy.com:8443"

If i do the same thing on an apache server with the same certificate files i 
can see both certificate and intermediate. Why squid isn't able to show it, did 
i miss something ?

Thanks for your help
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