Hey Anthony,
I see you're point. It makes sense to have multiple usernames if I want a user 
to access multiple proxies. But I'm trying to create a "reseller" proxy 
service, so multiple usernames for a single user won't really make sense. I can 
just give users different passwords to access different proxies.
Also, I know PacketStream (https://packetstream.io/) does this and I'm pretty 
sure they use Squid.

    On Tuesday, September 22, 2020, 3:55:15 PM CDT, Antony Stone 
<antony.st...@squid.open.source.it> wrote:  
 On Tuesday 22 September 2020 at 22:35:36, Ajb B wrote:

> how can you map the user password to a parent proxy?
> so that
> testuser1:qvmgPUJ5xW-121@
> testuser1:qvmgPUJ5xW-122@
> testuser1:qvmgPUJ5xW-123@
> map to a different parent proxy?

It makes no sense to me to have one username with multiple passwords.

The username is the identifier - this tells the system who this "user" is and 
the system can then find out what this "user" can do, provided they are 

The password is the authenticator - this tells the system that the entity 
trying to connect really is that user.

If you want one entity (person, script, application, whatever) to have access 
to different upstream proxies (presumably for different purposes), you should 
give them different identities (usernames) in order to access those proxies.

They then use the appropriate username for the access they require at the 

What would be the use case for one username with multiple passwords?


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