Background: we are using Squid internally to replicate customer environments which require proxy transit for most if not all HTTP/REST comms, in order to facilitate bug replication and dev/test of software which must operate in those environments.

I would like to configure Squid with a set of allow-listed domains such that unauthenticated CONNECTs to sites within those domains succeed, _unless_ the following conditions are met:

 * if a client preemptively sends a Proxy-Authenticate header anyway,
   without first receiving a 407
 * _and_ that header is invalid (bad username/password, unsupported
   authN method, &c), which case I want the CONNECT to get a standard 407 response.

Is this conditional possible with Squid's ACL structure? I can't see a way to make it happen in Squid 3.5 running on Amazon linux, although I've discovered a couple new ways of generating authentication loops. :/

    Thanks for any help/pointers,



Ole Craig |

McQuary was far too generous.
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