mån 2003-03-17 klockan 10.03 skrev Neil Thompson:
> Hi all,
> I may be asked shortly to provide web proxy/caching solutions for some 
> (for me) rather large Internet connections. 12-15000 people per site and 
> the Internet lines are 10-20Mbit in size.

For the range of 20Mbit I would use a cluster of 3 fairly normal boxes
with 4 harddrives each (ATA or SCSI). Memory scaled according to cache

2 boxes actaually would handle the load fine, and it may even be
possible to build a single high end box which can handle the load, but
having 3 smaller boxes gives better performance and increased
flexibility (you can take one box offline for upgrade/maintenance while
still maintaining the full service level).

Henrik Nordstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
MARA Systems AB, Sweden

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