On Thu, 18 Dec 2003, Keppner, Christoph wrote:

> I know so far, that squid_ldap_group is the right program, but how do i use
> it? In a mail from Henrik Nordstrom, there was this description:

squid_ldap_group is used via the external_acl_type directive. See the
manual (yes there is a manual for squid_ldap_group).

> > 0. Optionally bind (login) as a dummy user (by DN) if anonymous 
> > searches is disallowed in the directory (-D+-W arguments) 
> > 1. Search for the user in the directory (-F argument with the same data 
> > as -f to squid_ldap_auth) 
> > 2. Search for the group in the directory and verify that the user is 
> > member of the group (-f argument). 
> How must the -f argument looks like?!?

The manual has some good hints on this. The purpose of the -f argument to 
squid_ldap_group is similar to the purpose of the -f argument to  
squid_ldap_auth but looking for a matching group rather than a matching 

Usually this looks like

  -f "(&(cn=%g)(member=%u)(objectClass=groupOfNames))"

asking the helper to search for a groupOfNames with the group name as cn 
and the user DN as member. Should probably make this the default when -F 
is specified.

The user DN is looked up by the -F argument in the same manner as the -f 
argument to squid_ldap_auth.


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