On Tue, 23 Mar 2004, Bruno Lustosa wrote:

> I think these are the relevant lines. They were taken the first time I
> tried to open the url:
> 1080047467.580      1 cerberus.elnet.grupomk TCP_HIT/200 942 GET 
> http://www.ministeriokoinonyadelouvor.com.br/ lofofora NONE/- text/html

This was fresh in the cache. See refresh_pattern.

> 1080047467.602     22 cerberus.elnet.grupomk TCP_NEGATIVE_HIT/404 1177 GET 
> http://www.ministeriokoinonyadelouvor.com.br/_site/shop_home.cfm lofofora NONE/- 
> text/html

This was known to not exists.. see negative_ttl

> 1080047469.352   1668 cerberus.elnet.grupomk TCP_MISS/404 3011 GET 
> http://www.ministeriokoinonyadelouvor.com.br/favicon.ico lofofora 
> DIRECT/ text/html

And this was not found..

> These are when I forced the refresh:
> 1080051181.137    903 cerberus.elnet.grupomk TCP_REFRESH_MISS/200 1614 GET 
> http://www.ministeriokoinonyadelouvor.com.br/ lofofora DIRECT/ 
> text/html

So the first page had changed, and quite a bit..

> 1080051185.945   1259 cerberus.elnet.grupomk TCP_MISS/404 4299 GET 
> http://www.ministeriokoinonyadelouvor.com.br/img/pixel.gif lofofora 
> DIRECT/ text/html

still things not found there.. but different..

> 1080051187.332   2651 cerberus.elnet.grupomk TCP_MISS/200 25838 GET 
> http://www.ministeriokoinonyadelouvor.com.br/home.cfm lofofora DIRECT/ 
> text/html

and also different.


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