Thanks for the reply Henrik.

As utils like squidguard/dansguardian are able to handle regex files
with good performance, I was hoping to achieve the same with asqredir or
similar light tools.

I assume Squid caches any external regex_url file?

I'll go ahead and see if I can get dnsbl_redir and perhaps asqredir to
work as external ACL helpers and do some testing to see if there is any
performance gain from it.

Thanks again.


-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 12:07 AM
To: Thomas Nilsen
Subject: Re: [squid-users] Regex url lists and DNS blacklist acls

tor 2006-08-31 klockan 15:06 +0200 skrev Thomas Nilsen:

> The and lists could easily be
> integrated as dstdomain acl, but the is a regex_url
> list and I don't want to take the performance hit using a regex_url
> acl. So the idea was to try and use a redirector like asqredir for the

> regex_url files.

regex performance is about the same I am afraid.. the problem is not
where they are implemented but the fact that regex patterns is not well
structured so the whole list must be searched all the time...

> I also want to use the dnsbl_redir to check dns blacklists (which
> potentially could replace the dstdomain acl as well if that is of any
> performance benefit).

I would recommend implementing that using an external ACL instead of of
a redirector. Much better performance.

> Problem is to use the two redirectors at the same time.

Not really a problem. Look in the archives (search for Open2). But I
wouldn't recommend it in this case as an external acl is much better

> I expect the dnsbl_redir has a lower overhead as a helper application
> than asqredir would if changed into a external acl helper, or does
> that not matter? Have anyone tried this?

external acls have a very noticeable performance benefit compared to
redirectors at large thanks to the lookup cache available in the
external acl construct.


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