Henrik Nordstrom schrieb:
tor 2006-08-31 klockan 16:14 +0200 skrev Gregor Reich:

But is there a possibility to have squid responding - to a client that request a document that is (in some way) expired - with the stale document while - at the same time fetching the new one and storing it to cache: ready to deliver to the next requesting client.

Kind of. See the collapsed_forwarding and refresh_stale_hit options.
Thank you for the hint; I searched the archives, googled and searched squid.conf (Squid3) but I didn't found any description of these options (what do they do, how to configure, possible pitfalls and so on). Can anyone -possibly Hendrik - give me a hint where to look? (In the source code of course; but I'm not really able to do so...)

Thanks, Gregor.


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