On Fri, 2006-09-01 at 07:27 -0300, Erick Dantas Rotole wrote:
> Henrik,
> I had already read the FAQ. But the configuration for FREEBSD I think it is
> for older version.

Possible. The reasoning is the same.

>  Searching the web I found. 
> add the following values to /boot/loader.conf which worked:
> kern.maxdsiz="1073741824" # 1GB
> kern.dfldsiz="1073741824" # 1GB
> kern.maxssiz="134217728" # 128MB
> Is that rigth? I have to set kern.maxdsiz or kern.maxssiz. Thanks!

maxdsiz is the key parameter. Not sure if dfldsiz needs to be set.

you shoud not need to change massiz.


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