On Wed, Sep 19, 2007, Henrik Nordstrom wrote:

> > * A request occurs and squid checks the file for freshness, or
> no.

It doesn't? I swear I've seen code which checks whether the object is stale
or not before using the in-memory copy (or whether it needs to be revalidated.)

> > * Squid issues a validation requests and determines the local copy is 
> > stale, or
> no, but it does replace the old copy if it is given a new object to
> replace the old.
> > * Squid needs to make space (as the disk store is full) and starts running
> >   the object replacement policy to purge objects - but then, it doesn't 
> > maintain
> >   a list of "stale" objects to purge; it just deletes the 'oldest' objects.
>   * if there is certain HTTP request methods to the URL of the object
> where it can be expected the object change, such as PUT.

Good point, I forget about that..


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