On Sun, Apr 20, 2008, Nicole wrote:

>  I hate replying to my own post, but some further info on this in that quite
> a bit of time that the cache.log is reporting that it is validating entries 
> and
> taking quite a bit of time.  Why is it going through this validation procedure
> and it seems to be taking a great deal of time. Also usually, when this is
> done, it does it one disk at a time, not all disks at once I thought.
>  Again, any idea's on why this could be happening would be greatly 
> apreciatted.

It should be doing the rebuild in parallel -but- the IO is done synchronously.
Is this happening when you've rebooted? FreeBSD does a background fsck on 
and this may be interfering. Check the output of ps -auxw to see if fsck's
are running.

I took a look at this over the weekend (whilst looking at other stuff in the
storage code) and I could -probably- make the AUFS swaplog parsing case much
faster. I've just got other priorities at the moment (ie, lots more cleaning up
before I start breaking things in creative ways.)


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