It should be doing that by default; I suggest you stick wireshark or
tcpdump on your proxy, fail a DNS server and see what happens.

Log a bugzilla report if Squid absolutely doesn't fail over querying
the other DNS servers if your first one fails. Fail means "no reply"


2008/9/8 Jevos, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi
> I'm using latest squid 2.7 and in my resolve.conf there're 2 name
> servers.
> Unfortunately first didn't work well and all queries was not resolved :
> "..Unable to determine IP address from host name..."
> Even though the secondary server was working the quere timeout out after
> a couple of minutes.
> How can I manage to try secondary server if primary is out of order?
> Thx
> Br
> pet

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