On mån, 2008-10-27 at 14:57 +0530, Nitesh Naik wrote:

> Is there any sample code available for url rewriter helper which will
> process requests in parallel?

It doesn't need to process them in parallell unless you really need to
scale the rewrites on multiple CPUs or threads making callouts to other
servers. One signle thread processing one at a time is sufficient for
your problem. The difference in your case is in how Squid uses the

Example script removing query strings from any file ending in .ext:

#!/usr/bin/perl -an
$id = $F[0];
$url = $F[1];
if ($url =~ m#\.ext\?#) {
        $url =~ s/\?.*//;
        print "$id $url\n";
print "$id\n";

Or if you want to keep it real simple:

#!/usr/bin/perl -p

but doesn't illustrate the principle that well, and causes a bit more
work for Squid.. (but not much)

> I am still not clear as how to write
> help program which will process requests in parallel using perl ? Do
> you think squirm with 1500 child processes  works differently
> compared to the solution you are talking about ?



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