I'm using authentication and trying to allow unauthenticated access to
 http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/map-1.6.0.xml and all associated
urls so Java will update transparently rather than prompting the user
for credentials. I have been trying to do this using dstdom_regex and
cannot seem to get things to work the way I imagine they should. I
have tried two ways.

acl AuthorizedUsers proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl JavaUpdate dstdom_regex -i sun.*update
http_access allow JavaUpdate
http_access allow AuthorizedUsers


acl AuthorizedUsers proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl JavaUpdate1 dstdom_regex -i sun
acl JavaUpdate2 dstdom_regex -i update
http_access allow JavaUpdate1 JavaUpdate2
http_access allow AuthorizedUsers

Neither acl catches http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/map-1.6.0.xml and
it falls through to AuthorizedUsers per cache.log:

2009/01/12 09:39:15| The request GET
http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/map-1.6.0.xml is DENIED, because it
matched 'AuthorizedUsers'

However, this does work:

acl AuthorizedUsers proxy_auth REQUIRED
acl JavaUpdate dstdom_regex -i sun
http_access allow JavaUpdate
http_access allow AuthorizedUsers

cache.log now says:

2009/01/12 09:37:44| The request GET
http://java.sun.com/update/1.6.0/map-1.6.0.xml is ALLOWED, because it
matched 'JavaUpdate'

But it allows access to any url containing 'sun' which is not what I want.

Am I going about this wrong or just missing something about dstdom_regex?

Kind Regards,

Christopher Nighswonger
Faculty Member
Network & Systems Director
Foundations Bible College & Seminary

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