Henrik, Thanks for your reply.

I will check all the things you had mention. Get you back to you if i
Thanks again for your reply.


-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Nordstrom <hen...@henriknordstrom.net>
To: Vivek <vivek...@aol.in>
Cc: squid-users@squid-cache.org
Sent: Sun, 19 Apr 2009 1:42 pm
Subject: Re: Tproxy + wccp + tcp_outgoing_address

sön 2009-04-19 klockan 03:52 -0400 skrev Vivek:

I have configured two squid servers in tproxy+wccp mode and its
fine. I am using squid 2.7 (ctt proxy) and gre tunnel. Browsing is
slow compare than normal tproxy+bridge mode. I assume the problem is
both incoming and outgoing=2
0traffic passed via eth0 (Gigabit Ethernet

I kind of doubt you have more than 900Mbps of traffic.

I have an idea to use eth1 interface and change the
tcp_outgoing_address from eth0 ip to eth1 ip.

Won't help. The problem is something else.

Is it possible?

Ofcourse, but it's not as simple as tcp_outgoing_address.

. or any other way to avoid this bottleneck

First step is to identify the cause to the bottleneck.

1. How is the performance if you configure the browser to use the proxy?

2. Have you verified cabling, switch negotiation etc?


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