: > What would be really nice is a command line option and a bit of code
: > in the cache peer setup that recognizes own IP and ignores the entry,
: > to make this problem just all go away...

That would be awesome, but if i'm understanding you correctly it would
only address the "talking to myself" problem so people could have one set
of configs for every sibling -- we'd still need to regenerate the configs
(and reconfigure every sibling) anytime a sibling was added.


: part of the sibling cache query. That allows peers to respond 'not me' or
: something if they see their unique_hostname or visible_hostname in the Via:
: header. Or their own IP in the X-Forwarded-For header.  I'm not sure what

In this case though, the instance would still query itself -- it will just
be recognizing when the request came from itself and ignoring it.

Couldn't the same thing be done with ACLs?  (deny icp/htcp from localhost)
... i'm not really familiar with ACLs so i haven't tested it yet, but this
is what i was thinking of before -- it just seemed less useful then custom
configs on every machine because it would prevent the overhead of a
rejected ICP query on every sibling request.


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