fre 2009-11-20 klockan 18:26 +1100 skrev Tim Bates:
> Here's a question: Would Reply-To being set prevent people who post 
> getting a flood of "user not found" bounces back?


If anything it may cause those bounces to hit the list instead.

> When I posted my thoughts earlier, I got about 6 messages telling me 
> users were not found or user rejected the message. Why should I care if 
> someone is still subscribed to the list when they've moved email address?

When you do, bounce those errors to so
we can try to deal with theim. Make sure to include message headers.

All these users are running non-conforming mail servers who respond with
errors to the From address in the mail header instead of the envelope
sender address (equivalent to a post office discarding the envelope with
return if undeliverable address on the back and instead looking at the
inside letter to figure out who to return the letter to)


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