On Mar 24, 2010, at 8:30 PM, Landy Landy wrote:

Hello List.

I have an acl blocking a batch of ip addresses banned from using the internet and have others that can use the internet without problems. Now, I would like to filter the web content to those users that use the internet. I would like to block sexual content and stuff like that that can be desturbing at work.

How can I create another acl to filter pages to the specific ip's that are allowed to the internet?

Any suggestions???

Thanks in advanced for your help.


Squid + SquidGuard very easy to do. you need to ask yourself, do you want transparent or configure the client browser ?
then you can filter with a blacklist

start here for one.


any and all traffic that comes into the device can be viewed and sent to a log file for processing.

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