Missing ldap libraries maybe?

On 28/06/2010 12:32, "Tom Tux" <tomtu...@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm trying to generate a computer-account with msktutil:

I got the following error:
- ldap_connect: Connecting to LDAP server: dc1.domain.com try_tls=YES
SASL/GSSAPI authentication started
SASL username: ad...@domain.com
Error: ldap_set_option (option=)  failed (Can't contact LDAP server)
 -- ~KRB5Context: Destroying Kerberos Context

I have a valid ticket (klist), initiated with adminu...@domain.com.
Have someone any hints? I see, that the msktutil tries with tls
(encrypted) on port 389 (ldap) on the domain-controller. Can I use
native (unencrypted) ldap?

Thanks a lot.

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