Sorry for my late reply, Henrik. I want to be able to use an empty
realm because we use Digest Auth in conjunction with an LDAP backend.
In this LDAP backend the admin can specifiy combinations of
<realm>:<password> or <realm>:<H(A1)>. The empty realm would thus lead
to either <password> or <H(A1)> standing by themselves. We want to
support this latter case as well and the empty realm would make that a
lot easier.


2010/6/22 Henrik Nordström <>:
> tis 2010-06-22 klockan 00:22 +0200 skrev Khaled Blah:
>> That's not completely true. RFC 2617 states that the realm of either
>> digest/basic auth is a quoted string but it doesn't say that this
>> string has to be a minimum number of characters.
> True, but is clearly not the intention that this should be empty.
> I asked why you want to use an empty realm.
> Regards
> Henrik

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