
Just to say what I think (since you have almost the same setup as me I think): 
you will always get that 407 at the moment. Squid requires an authenticated 
user before allowing the page but you can't authenticate every method (at least 
that is what I have found) in my setup. 

Regardless of whether it is ntlm or Kerberos etc. Your rule about connect I 
think needs an allow connect ssl_ports ABOVE your allow INTERNET_ACCESS because 
you're just disallowing the CONNECT method (not the same as the GET method) 
using non-ssl ports otherwise. There's nothing talking about allowing it. 

I think that's right....

On 27 Aug 2010, at 10:09, "Tom Tux" <> wrote:

> Hi Amos
> Thanks a lot for this informations.
> Is it usual/normal, that all https-requests have this error?
> 1282899033.246      0 xx.xx.xx.xx TCP_DENIED/407 3720 CONNECT
> - NONE/- text/html
> As I already mentioned: The sites, which are denied in the access.log,
> are normal accessible and appears correctly (this is, what I don't
> understand....mmmh....).
> I think, that I don't have rules, which explicitly require another
> authentication instead of kerberos. Here is an extract of my
> squid.conf:
> The ACL "INTERNET_ACCESS" is an external_acl with squid_kerb_ldap:
> http_access deny !Safe_ports
> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
> # Block invalid Users
> http_access deny !INTERNET_ACCESS
> http_access allow INTERNET_ACCESS
> http_access deny all
> When I trace the http/https-traffic with httpfox (firefox-addon), then
> I got also no errors or denies back.
> Thanks a lot for all helps.
> Tom
> 2010/8/27 Amos Jeffries <>:
>> Tom Tux wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> For every HTTPS-Site I have the following tcp_denied/407-entry in the
>>> access.log:
>>> 282895826.492      1 xx.xx.xx.xx TCP_DENIED/407 3720 CONNECT
>>> - NONE/- text/html
>>> 1282896033.320      1 xx.xx.xx.xx TCP_DENIED/407 3744 CONNECT
>>> - NONE/- text/html
>>> The sites, which are denied in the access.log, are though accessible,
>>> but I have this errors. For me it seems, that squid needs a user
>>> authentication. But this should be given with kerberos-authentication,
>>> which works fine.
>>> I have the following directives configured (as default):
>>> acl SSL_ports port 443
>>> acl CONNECT method CONNECT
>>> http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
>>> Can someone explain me this behaviour?
>> CONNECT requests to SSL ports (aka HTTPS) will get past that security
>> barrier and move on to checkig your other rules. One of those other rules
>> involves proxy authentication.
>> All requests which require authentication but do not provide it get a 407 or
>> 401 response challenging the browser to provided some credentials. This is
>> true for all authentication types.
>> Working browsers with access to the required credentials will send them on a
>> followup request and get past that challenge.
>> Amos
>> --
>> Please be using
>> Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.7
>> Beta testers wanted for

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