It's trivial to run a wget or curl on the same server that the squid proxy is 
on and access pages through it, directing the output to /dev/null, in order to 
prime the cache. But there's no explicit way to tell squid to "please pull this 
URL into your cache" without an actual HTTP request for that page.

Also, don't forget that only objects that aren't marked with no-cache or 
no-store cache-control headers will be stored in squid's cache, which for sites 
like google's main pages will result in not very much being cached at all 
beyond inline graphics.


On Oct 2, 2010, at 11:05 AM, flaviane athayde wrote:

> Hello Squid User Group
> I wonder how I can configure Squid to load web pages ahead.
> A while ago, I saw a perl script that forced ahead caching of web pages.
> I searched the forums and only meeting of the topology where requests
> are made from the Internet to a Squid server that redirects to
> especific webservers. This is not what I want.
> What I want is that the request for a page to Squid, Squid itself
> makes requests for pages from the related links of the original page!
> For example, when I open the page, Squid would also
> request the pages, etc
> and maintain it on cache, so when I open,
> squid returns the cached page.
> I think this is perfectly possible, but I don't found references on
> how to do this.
> Please let me know if I was not clear because I am using a translator.
> --
> Flaviane

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