On 21/01/11 06:03, Roberto wrote:

I've just installed squid in a debian 5 machine, and most of what I want
is working, but I´m having one problem.

When someone searches for an URL that does not exist, most modern
browser get the DNS error and try searching google (or bing, or
whatever). But, with squid installed, the browser is instead getting
squid's message that the URL could not be retrieved. As a result, the
browsers do not try further to find the server.

An example: Without squid, if I type "squid" in Firefox's url bar, it
will not find a server, but will go to goolge, and find there squid's
page (ww.squid-cache.org). With squid, the browser is getting squid's
error page ("The requested URL could not be retrieved"), and stops.

Is there any way to avoid this behavior? To make squid not intercept
those "incorrect" URL's?

No. Squid is not a web browser and does not contain this web browser feature. DNS resolvers also do not contain this browser feature.

I think there is a wiki.squid-cache.org FAQ entry about this.

On the side it is also not a very safe feature to have turned on.
There are a numer of viruses based on FunWebSearch which use this feature to make money out of infected computers on pay-per-view scams. By simply setting the default search engine to be a website of their own they can hijack the results page and the cash rolls in from unwitting advertisers.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.10
  Beta testers wanted for

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