On 22/01/11 00:41, projpr...@virgilio.it wrote:
Thanks a lot for you reply!
this gives me a bit of courage...

well, I made
some test from a opensuse machine and it looks like it works...
now, if i look
at the process monitor with dependencies and thread on the original machine i
owner    process   id
root       squid      5037
squid       4033
       squid   squid-ldap  10370


I must say that i also mixed up the squid version: i´m using 3.0
Stable 9.

Do you think it´s cause the helper run under squid?
Should i insert
squid in the root group?


At the command line before testing the helper set yourself to the squid effective user using the "su" utility. Usually that is "nobody" or "proxy" or "squid", though it may differ for your system.

Then run the helper testing to find out what is broken.

Please be using
  Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.10
  Beta testers wanted for

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