sön 2011-01-23 klockan 23:35 -0500 skrev Max Feil:

> If you look through the traces you'll notice that at some point Squid
> sends a TCP [FIN, ACK] right in the middle of a connection for
> seemingly no reason. 
> From the browser side it seems to be given no notification that the
> connection was closed (and indeed I can see no reason why it should be
> closed) so it seems to sit around doing nothing as it may have reached
> the max connections limit.


Can you reproduce the problem? If so then it would be very helpful if
you could run Squid with full debug output enabled ("squid -k debug")
and also capture the data with wireshark. Then send the collected data
to ftp://ftp.squid-cache.se/incoming/ and notify me.


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