On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 01:06, Indunil Jayasooriya <induni...@gmail.com> wrote:

> some PF syntax have been changed since OpenBSD 4.7. one is rdr . pls see this
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/upgrade47.html
> So, when it comes to FreeBSD 8.2, I do NOT know, whether these syntax
> are present. Pls check.

I hate to follow up so late (a week later) but I just got this and
thought it worth commenting.

The FreeBSD 8.x line is still using an extremely dated version of pf,
from circa OpenBSD 4.2.

-HEAD has some newer code, from (I think) OpenBSD 4.5, but nothing
recent enough to incorporate the syntax changes.

My understanding is that more recent pf code is more closely coupled
to OpenBSD at the OS level that makes it more difficult to port
to/import into FreeBSD, it's highly unlikely any version of pf will be
pulled into the 8.x/9.x lines that uses the newer syntax.


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