On 01/-10/-28163 12:59 PM, Amos Jeffries wrote:
> And these are tested for RESPMOD services right?
> I was suspecting you hit the bug about RESPMOD not being passed the
> request details correctly. The SoftwareUpdateAgent and
> SoftwareUpdateDomain would always be failed-match with that bug and
> thus inverted to be "true" in standardChain.
I am not sure. I may have had an error in my ACLs, things are working
now. Part of the problem was my c-icap configuration. There is going to
be a new mode added to the virus scanning module which will solve part
of the problem.
> Lot of overlap there. It will reduce down to this:
>  acl StreamMime rep_mime_type -i
> application/(octet-stream|x-mplayer2|x-oleobject|x-pncmd)
>  acl StreamMime rep_mime_type -i audio|video|flv|flash
Thank you, I will use these, although it may be unnecessary.

"Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans." --
John Lennon

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