On 04/06/2011 02:05, sichent wrote:

Setup: Gentoo linux OS on squid and privoxy home lan server

I'm not running an html server, just trying to use squid and privoxy
for my own browsing.

Why not to use ICAP or URL rewriter functionality built into Squid to achieve the same results as privoxy instead of having this "chaining" setup?

Sorry for possible offtopic :)
What offtopic?
the only problem i can thing of is cpu and process management on this server.
icap is a nice idea and i can recommend one
you must know basic programming to make it work and they have rules samples.
if your hardware capabilities are low you will get most likely poor results on both privoxy and ICAP. also i will send later the settings for working with greasyspoon on squid 3.2

another question.
are you by any change made a speedtest on the current setup?
if you do get the right speed but wrong speed to get the page processed it's a known side effect of privoxy.


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