> > Perhaps you are running out of inodes?
> >
> > "df -i" should give you what you are looking for.
> Well done. df reports indeed that I am out of inodes (100% used).
> I've seen that a Sarg daily report contains about 170'000 files. I am
> starting tar.gzipping them.
> Thank you very much Jenny.
> Leonardo

Glad this solved. Actually you could increase inode max (i think it was 
double/triple of /proc/sys/fs/file-max setting).
However, 170,000 files on a directory on a mechanical drive will make things 
awfully slow.
Also, ext4 is preferable since deletes are done at the background. Our tests on 
an SSD with ext3 took 9 mins to delete 1 million files. It was about 7 secs on 
Whenever we need to deal with high number of files (sometimes in the tune of 
100 Million), we move them to an SSD with ext4 and perform operations there. 
And yes, that moving part... is very painful also unless the files were already 
tarred :)
Let me give you an example. Process 1 Million files on a single directory 
(read, write, split to directories, archive):
HDD: 6 days
SSD: 4 hours

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