Dear all,

I have a Squid transparent proxy which uses 40 Squirm URL rewriter
processes.  Everything worked fine until today, when Squid crashed
after an error "179 pending requests queued":

2011/11/15 13:55:41| WARNING: All redirector processes are busy.
2011/11/15 13:55:41| WARNING: 40 pending requests queued
2011/11/15 13:55:41| Consider increasing the number of redirector
processes in your config file.
2011/11/15 14:05:41| WARNING: All redirector processes are busy.
2011/11/15 14:05:41| WARNING: 179 pending requests queued
2011/11/15 14:05:41| storeDirWriteCleanLogs: Starting...
2011/11/15 14:05:41| WARNING: Closing open FD  190
2011/11/15 14:05:41|     65536 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    131072 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    196608 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    262144 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    327680 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    393216 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    458752 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    524288 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:41|    589824 entries written so far.
2011/11/15 14:05:42|   Finished.  Wrote 633017 entries.
2011/11/15 14:05:42|   Took 1.49 seconds (426234.18 entries/sec).
FATAL: Too many queued redirector requests
Squid Cache (Version 3.1.7): Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 91414.241 seconds = 55144.038 user + 36270.203 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 8
Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
        total space in arena:  1007116 KB
        Ordinary blocks:       1003347 KB 100368 blks
        Small blocks:               0 KB      1 blks
        Holding blocks:         27164 KB      8 blks
        Free Small blocks:          0 KB
        Free Ordinary blocks:    3768 KB
        Total in use:          1030511 KB 102%
        Total free:              3768 KB 0%

Restarting gave this error:

2011/11/15 14:14:02| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 11037556 KB > 10240000 KB
2011/11/15 14:14:02| NetfilterInterception:  NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 10: (2) No such file or
2011/11/15 14:14:02| NetfilterInterception:  NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 12: (2) No such file or
2011/11/15 14:14:02| NetfilterInterception:  NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 14: (2) No such file or
2011/11/15 14:14:02| NetfilterInterception:  NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 16: (2) No such file or
2011/11/15 14:14:02| NetfilterInterception:  NF
getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed on FD 18: (2) No such file or
(... snipped 60 entries similar as the one above ... )
2011/11/15 14:14:05| WARNING: All redirector processes are busy.
2011/11/15 14:14:05| WARNING: 40 pending requests queued
2011/11/15 14:14:05| Consider increasing the number of redirector
processes in your config file.

I tried increasing redirect_children to 300 in squid.conf, but since
each children spawns as a process, this brought the system to its
knees.  Even with no active HTTP clients.
What is the max/reasonable number of Squirm redirect_children?

These two lines also puzzle me.  I could rebuild the cache to get rid
of it, but I'd like to know why this occurred:

2011/11/15 14:14:02| WARNING: Disk space over limit: 11037556 KB > 10240000 KB
        Total in use:          1030511 KB 102%

Thanks a lot for your thoughts,


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