On 20/01/2012 10:41 a.m., darren.trzy...@thomsonreuters.com wrote:
I am configuring squid caches to be siblings of each other and have gotten them 
to correctly communicate with each other from an ICP perspective and have one 
of the caches (B) pull content from another cache (A) that already had the 
object cached, but it seems when it pulls this object that it ends up caching 
it locally.  When a subsequent request is made to cache B, it is found right 
away, logs a TCP_HIT and returns the object.  I would have expected that 
request to make an ICP request to A again and then retrieve it from it but 
instead it was in its cache.  I believe I verified this as well by looking on 
disk and there is then an object which did not exist prior.  I thought by 
making the sibling proxy-only that would force to never cache from anything it 
received from a sibling, but it doesn't appear to be the case.

Cache A Config (without logging configurations)
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object

debug_options ALL,1 33,2
cache_mem 4096 MB
http_port accel defaultsite=mysite.com vport=80
cache_peer parent.com parent 7779 0 no-query originserver name=myAccel
icp_port 3200
icp_access allow all
cache_peer myhost sibling 8061 3201 name=myhost8061 proxy-only
http_access allow all
cache_peer_access myAccel allow all
cache_peer_access myAccel deny all

Cache A Log
[01-18-2012:15:32:01] 1326922321.696     22 TCP_MISS/200 48646 GET joe.com/thumb.png - FIRST_UP_PARENT/myAccel image/png 

Note the *PARENT* is source. Not the sibling.

[01-18-2012:15:32:14] 1326922334.204      2 TCP_HIT/200 48657 GET joe.com/thumb.png - NONE/- image/png "PRODUCT:-" 
"BU:-" "SESSION:-" "USER:-" "ROOT:-" "PARENT:-"
[01-18-2012:15:32:25] 1326922345.314 - UDP_HIT/000 116 ICP_QUERY joe.com/thumb.png - NONE/- - "PRODUCT:-" 
"BU:-" "SESSION:-" "USER:-" "ROOT:-" "PARENT:-"

Note this last lookup was a UDP_HIT. But the sibling fetch which should have followed it is not listed.

Cache B Config (without logging configurations)
acl all src all
acl manager proto cache_object

debug_options ALL,1 33,2
cache_mem 4096 MB
http_port accel defaultsite=mysite.com vport=80
cache_peer trp0001-08.int.westgroup.com parent 7779 0 no-query originserver 
icp_port 3201
icp_access allow all
cache_peer myhost sibling 8060 3200 name=myhost8060 proxy-only
http_access allow all
cache_peer_access myAccel allow all
cache_peer_access myAccel deny all

Cache B Log
[01-18-2012:15:32:01] 1326922321.674 - UDP_MISS/000 116 ICP_QUERY joe.com/thumb.png - NONE/- - "PRODUCT:-" 
"BU:-" "SESSION:-" "USER:-" "ROOT:-" "PARENT:-"
[01-18-2012:15:32:25] 1326922345.354     40 TCP_MISS/200 48646 GET joe.com/thumb.png - FIRST_UP_PARENT/myAccel image/png 

Note the *PARENT* is the source, not the sibling.

Also, note the two requests above are completely unrelated to each other. The first is cacheB denying a sibling probe from cacheA. The second is cacheB serving an HTTP request from some client at


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