Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
        Total space in arena:  536788 KB
        Ordinary blocks:       173203 KB   4895 blks
        Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks
        Holding blocks:          1420 KB      3 blks
        Free Small blocks:          0 KB
        Free Ordinary blocks:  363584 KB
        Total in use:          174623 KB 32%
        Total free:            363585 KB 68%
        Total size:            538208 KB
Memory accounted for:
        Total accounted:        40844 KB 8%
        memPool accounted:      40843 KB 8%
        memPool unaccounted:   497364 KB 92%
        memPoolAlloc calls:         0
        memPoolFree calls:  841528260

On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 9:49 PM, Yucong Sun (叶雨飞) <> wrote:
> here's the request from mgr:info
> Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
>        Total space in arena:  536788 KB
>        Ordinary blocks:       173203 KB   4895 blks
>        Small blocks:               0 KB      0 blks
>        Holding blocks:          1420 KB      3 blks
>        Free Small blocks:          0 KB
>        Free Ordinary blocks:  363584 KB
>        Total in use:          174623 KB 32%
>        Total free:            363585 KB 68%
>        Total size:            538208 KB
> How can I get squid to release those memory?
> Cheers.
> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 6:51 PM, Amos Jeffries <> wrote:
>> On 29.02.2012 07:09, Yucong Sun wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have squid 3.1 with 32M cache memory, but there's something called
>>> ordinal block keeps growing out of control taking about 500M memory,
>>> any way we could restrict that growth?
>> Where are you getting that information? in particular where does the term
>> "ordinal" show up?
>> Amos

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