On 11/08/2012 3:05 a.m., Hank Disuko wrote:
Hi folks,

I'm using:

Squid Cache version 3.0.STABLE13 for i686-suse-linux

This cache has been running well for at least a couple years, or more.  As of 
yesterday, my squid process started using 100% CPU and users on the proxy are 
experiencing extremely slow Internet speeds.

I've disabled caching (thinking it was maybe a cache issue), but the problem 

Okay. Sometimes it is garbage collection on large caches which sucks up CPU. This test eliminates that.

I've tried strace on the squid process, but I don't know what I'm even looking 
for.  As for syscalls, I see lots of reads and writes.

It seems to be a particular user, or number of users running something through 
the proxy that is causing the CPU to spike.  This morning everything was find 
for a couple hours with users on it...CPU was behaving...then within a minute 
or so it spiked and remained pegged at 100%.  Would a video or audio stream 
cause something like this?  A very large download?

Or lots of downloads. Or someone hit one of the DoS vulnerabilities which have been found and fixed since that release came out.

*please* upgrade your Squid. 3.0 is several years past its end-of-life. At minimum please upgrade to 3.0.STABLE26 to avoid the worst DoS vulnerabilities.

NOTE: free support is only available for the current Squid releases.


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