Hallo, Artur,

Du meintest am 21.01.13:

> I've tried many times and I can not do it, please help :(

> I have 2 classrooms total 40 PC's
>  +5 manager PC's
>  +1 administrator
> So IP range is
> - for classroom
> - for managers
> - admin

> Task:
> 1)Internet only for this 46 hosts
> 2)Classroom and managers can access internet only workdays from 9 to
> 17
> 3)Classroom have blacklist of sites in file for what access is
> denied
> 4)Managers only can visit white list sites in file, all other
> blocked
> 5)Admin can visit any web at any time
> 6)In weekends (A S) access only by authentification

> Iam new to squid so I have difficulty to do this, I was able to set
> access by days and time for one range, but how to join this with
> white black list and other ranges for manager and admin +
> authentication o_o I dont get how this http_access deny access work,
> in what order, can someone provide solution for my task?I will be
> very grateful

You seem to live in germany, perhaps you should look at "linux-user" 2/ 
2013, p. 16 ... 20 ("Squid als Spiel- und Social-Network-Bremse").

I'd try the following "http_access" order (untested):

acl localnet src
acl admin
http_access deny !localnet
# all others get fired

acl admin
http_access allow admin
# they are privileged

acl blacklist src "/etc/squid/blacklist"
acl schueler
http_access allow !schueler
# managers have more rights
# you may define a special acl for managers; it's not necessary in this
# example

http_access allow schueler !blacklist
# pupils are restricted

http_access deny all
# all other cases


The time restrictions are not implemented; take a look at listing 1 in  
the above mentioned article.

Viele Gruesse!

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