I just realized that my squid.conf for 3.3.8 is unusable with
just because of the refresh patterns. Funnily, even the default
refresh patterns are seen as bungled. Same config is usable with

Here are mine, which are ALL rejected as bungled - all commented out,
but still even the default ones are 'bungled'.

# various windows versions
#!refresh_pattern http://.*\.windowsupdate\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern http://.*\.update\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern http://download\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern http://windowsupdate\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern http://office\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern http://w?xpsp[0-9]\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern http://w2ksp[0-9]\.microsoft\.com/ 0 80% 20160

#!refresh_pattern -i
microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe|ms[i|u|f]|asf|wm[v|a]|dat|zip) 4320 90%
#!refresh_pattern -i
windowsupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe|ms[i|u|f]|asf|wm[v|a]|dat|zip) 4320 90%

#refresh_pattern windowsupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi) 10080 100% 43200
#refresh_pattern download.microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi) 10080 100% 43200
#refresh_pattern www.microsoft.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi) 10080 100% 43200
#refresh_pattern au.download.windowsupdate.com/.*\.(cab|exe|dll|msi)
4320 100% 43200

# and some other windows updaters
#!refresh_pattern http://download\.macromedia\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern ftp://ftp\.nai\.com/ 0 80% 20160
#!refresh_pattern http://ftp\.software\.ibm\.com/ 0 80% 20160

# Others
#!refresh_pattern -i \.mp4 1440 90% 43200
#!refresh_pattern -i \.(gif|png|jpg|jpeg|ico)$ 40320 75% 86400
#!refresh_pattern -i \.(iso|avi|wav|mp3|mpeg|swf|flv|x-flv)$ 1440 40% 40320
#!refresh_pattern -i \.(css|js)$ 300 40% 7200
#!refresh_pattern -i \.(html|htm)$ 300 40% 7200

And the default ones:

# Add any of your own refresh_pattern entries above these.
refresh_pattern ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher:        1440    0%      1440
refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?)       0       0%      0
refresh_pattern .       0       20%     4320

[root@jaribu] /opt/squid34/etc# ../sbin/squid -v
Squid Cache: Version
configure options:  '--prefix=/opt/squid34'
'--enable-removal-policies=lru heap' '--disable-epoll' '--enable-auth'
'--enable-auth-basic=DB NCSA PAM MSNT PAM POP3 SMB SSPI MSNT'
'--enable-external-acl-helpers=session unix_group wbinfo_group
file_userip' '--enable-auth-ntlm=smb_lm SSPI'
'--enable-auth-negotiate=SSPI kerberos' '--with-pthreads'
'--enable-storeio=ufs diskd aufs' '--enable-delay-pools'
'--enable-snmp' '--with-openssl=/usr' '--enable-forw-via-db'
'--enable-cache-digests' '--enable-wccpv2'
'--enable-follow-x-forwarded-for' '--with-large-files'
'--enable-large-cache-files' '--enable-error_default_language=English'
'--enable-esi' '--enable-kqueue' '--enable-icap-client'
'--enable-kill-parent-hack' '--enable-ssl' '--enable-leakfinder'
'--enable-ssl-crtd' '--enable-url-rewrite-helpers'
'--enable-xmalloc-statistics' '--enable-stacktraces'
'--enable-zph-qos' '--enable-eui' '--enable-pf-transparent'
'--enable-ipf-transparent' --enable-ltdl-convenience
[root@jaribu] /opt/squid34/etc# ../sbin/squid -k parse
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Startup: Initializing Authentication Schemes ...
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'basic'
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'digest'
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'negotiate'
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Startup: Initialized Authentication Scheme 'ntlm'
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Startup: Initialized Authentication.
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing Configuration File:
/opt/squid34/etc/squid.conf (depth 0)
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: http_port 13128
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: icp_port 3130
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: icp_query_timeout 0
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: mcast_icp_query_timeout 2000
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: dead_peer_timeout 10 seconds
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: cache_mem 128 MB
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: maximum_object_size           4194240 KB
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: maximum_object_size_in_memory 1024 KB
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: balance_on_multiple_ip off
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: logformat combined %>a %ui %un [%tl]
"%rm %"ru HTTP/%rv" %>Hs %<st"%{Referer}>h" "%{User-Agent}>h" %Ss:%Sh
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: cache_dir aufs /usr/local/squid/cache
5120 16 256
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: access_log
stdio:/usr/local/squid/logs/access.log squid
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: cache_log
/usr/local/squid/logs/cache.log squid
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: cache_store_log  none
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: coredump_dir     /usr/local/squid/logs
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: pid_filename /usr/local/squid/logs/squid.pid
2013/07/29 18:35:04| Processing: refresh_pattern        ^ftp:
 1440    20%     10080
2013/07/29 18:35:04| ERROR: A percentage value is missing.
FATAL: Bungled /opt/squid34/etc/squid.conf line 90: refresh_pattern
 ^ftp:           1440    20%     10080
Squid Cache (Version Terminated abnormally.
CPU Usage: 0.016 seconds = 0.008 user + 0.008 sys
Maximum Resident Size: 33248 KB
Page faults with physical i/o: 0
[root@jaribu] /opt/squid34/etc#

On 29 July 2013 14:54, Eliezer Croitoru <elie...@ngtech.co.il> wrote:
> the basic test that result in:
> 1375097944.775    551 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 355 GET
> http://www.squid-cache.org/Images/img7.gif - HIER_DIRECT/ -
> 1375097950.082    763 TCP_CLIENT_REFRESH_MISS/200 10345 GET
> http://www.squid-cache.org/Versions/v3/3.4/ - HIER_DIRECT/
> text/html
> Shows that the client did an active refresh.
> All the above is without refresh_patterns at all.
> Also works on youtube images and other stuff pretty nice..
> Youtube videos are pretty large and for me it seems like a weird thing
> to cache in a cache since they have servers all over the globe doing
> cache helping the clients view the video nicely..
> 1375098872.573     72 TCP_REFRESH_UNMODIFIED/304 212 GET
> http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/HbjUK7i84YQ/default.jpg -
> 1375098872.944      0 TCP_MEM_HIT/200 628 GET
> http://r5---sn-nhpax-ua8e.c.youtube.com/crossdomain.xml - HIER_NONE/-
> text/x-cross-domain-policy
> 1375098873.084    141 TCP_MISS/204 424 GET
> http://s.youtube.com/stream_204? - HIER_DIRECT/ text/html
> Eliezer

Best regards,
"I can't hear you -- I'm using the scrambler."

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