On 18/07/2014 3:37 a.m., ferna...@lozano.eti.br wrote:
> Hi,
> from squid.conf.documented, regarding conditional configuration:
> NOTE: An else-if condition is not supported.
> This mean we cannot have nested if's, like:
> workers 2
> cache_dir rock /cache/shared 2000 min-size=1 max-size=31000
> max-swap-rate=250 swap-timeout=350
> if ${process_number} = 4
>     # no aufs for coordinator
> else
>     if ${process_number} = 3
>         # no aufs for disker
>     else
>         cache_dir aufs /cache/worker${process_number} 2000 16 256
> min-size=31001 max-size=346030080
>     endif
> endif
> []s, Fernando Lozano

I expect that should work. Have you tried it?


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