
I would like to use a Squid Server only as an Internet Traffic Monitor.
To do this I used an Ubuntu 14.04 with Squid 3.3 on it.

I plugged the squid on a cisco switch port configured as a monitor destination.
The port connected to the backbone switch is configured as monitor source.
I configured the IP of the Squid to be the same as real gateway used by users.
I configured the squid to be in transparent mode with : http_port 3128 intercept
I put an iptable rule that should forward http packets to the squid on port 

Unfortunately it does not work.

The access.log does not populate except if I try to access directly the squid 
IP on port 3128.

Any Idea? Do I loosing my time? Does anybody has already tried to to these kind 
of things?

Many thx my advance for your answers.


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